The State Duma has proposed selling alcohol only with a special mark on the State Services website

11.12.2024 12:32

The State Duma is talking about possible restrictions that could affect the sale of alcoholic beverages.

The LDPR faction proposed introducing a rule for purchasing alcohol taking into account the presence of a special mark on the “Gosuslugi” website.

The corresponding bill was prepared by State Duma deputy Andrei Svintsov, TASS reports.

At the initiative of the parliamentarian, all citizens who have reached the age of majority must undergo a consultation with a narcologist and receive a corresponding mark on the State Services portal.

Only by taking this into account, Svintsov believes, will young people gain a detailed understanding of how alcoholic beverages harm health.

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Photo: © TUT NEWS

In addition, the introduction of mandatory consultation with a narcologist will allow timely assistance to be provided to those who already have problems with alcohol abuse.

The entry of the corresponding mark into the profile will be carried out by the executive authority determined by the state.

It is noted that if the bill is approved, it could come into force as early as January 1, 2026.

Irina Tint Author: Irina Tint Editor of Internet resources