Experts have confirmed that certain colors of clothing can make a person more attractive to mosquitoes.
It has been proven that these bloodsuckers choose their victims based on a number of criteria. It turns out that clothing color is also included in this list.
Mosquitoes are particularly attracted to things in blue, orange, red and black, writes the Mail Online .
By eliminating these combinations, the number of bites can be reduced, British experts have confirmed.
Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of garlic. But sweet and salty food, as well as beer, attract bloodsuckers. The insects especially like the intoxicating drink.
They navigate in space by the trail of carbon dioxide that follows a person.
The larger a person is, the more CO2 they produce. That's why mosquitoes bite men and pregnant women more often.
Earlier, Rospotrebnadzor described the situation with whooping cough and measles in Russia.