In Russia, over the past 3 months, the number of offers to purchase fake documents has increased sharply.
In Telegram channels and chats, the number of fake driver's licenses offered is twice as high, and the number of military IDs is six times higher.
This is stated in a study on cybercrimes conducted by the FACCT company, Gazeta.Ru reports.
The company's analysts have found that at least several criminal groups use similar schemes.
One of them has deceived more than 170 people over the past month, managing to steal 5.4 million rubles.
The bulk of the fraudsters' income comes from selling fake driver's licenses and military IDs.
The amount of damage from the sale of counterfeit driver's licenses amounted to 41,487 rubles, and military ID cards – 110,000 rubles.
Fraudsters offer fake documents under the guise of legal ones and promise to enter them into the traffic police and military registration and enlistment office database.
To produce counterfeits, fraudsters demand advance payment from citizens and disappear after receiving the money.