The deputies of the lower house of parliament have finally adopted the law concerning migrant offenders in the second and third readings.
The approved amendments give the right to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make decisions on the administrative expulsion of foreigners from the Russian Federation.
The law on the expulsion regime was introduced to the State Duma in April 2024. On Tuesday, July 23, the draft was approved by deputies, reportsParlamentskaya Gazeta .
In addition, members of the State Duma approved a law on the regime of expulsion of migrants. It covers two categories of foreigners - offenders and those who are illegally on the territory of the Russian Federation.
If a person falls under this regime, the authorities will introduce a number of restrictions against him.
For example, the offender will be prohibited from purchasing real estate or transport, and will be deprived of the right to drive a car and move freely around the country.
The list of measures also includes a ban on marriage, opening new bank accounts and a number of other restrictions.
It is expected that the innovations will make it possible to unify the mechanism for deportation and administrative expulsion of foreigners.
In addition, the measures envisage a reduction in the time and financial costs of procedures related to the organisation of expulsion processes.