Bulgar suddenly announced Durov's involvement in her mother's death

01.09.2024 14:17

Irina Bolgar, who calls herself the mother of Pavel Durov’s three children, has once again accused the founder of Telegram.

She stated that she lost her mother, who died of a heart attack, and who could not stand Durov’s behavior towards his children and family.

Bolgar reported this in one of her posts on her personal blog, commenting on the situation surrounding her relationship with the businessman.

She claims that not long before this she lost her father, who was battling a serious illness.

Bolgar also said that her mother was deeply concerned about the fate of her daughter and grandchildren, which led to the deterioration of her health.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

The woman wrote that her mother died knowing the situation Irina was left in with the children.

Moreover, Bolgar again accused Durov of cruelty to children and refusal to support them.

She stated that a man cannot dictate terms to a woman if he does not want to marry her.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Editor of Internet resources