This reason has a serious impact on the body, but a person is not able to influence it.
Scientists from Columbia University (USA) have discovered that human aging is accelerated by experiences associated with the loss of loved ones.
This happens at the cellular level. Scientists have confirmed this fact during DNA research.
Experts have recorded corresponding changes in the structure of DNA epigenetic marks, JAMA reports.
This reason equally affects people of all ages, from childhood to adulthood.
The researchers recorded various data on more than 20,000 Americans. The experiment began in 1994–1995, when the volunteers were 12–19 years old.
Scientists conducted surveys among the subjects and observed how their health changed. The study itself was divided into five stages, the last of which was conducted in 2016–2018.
The conclusion is that the grief experienced accelerated the aging of cells and significantly affected the number of marks on the surface of the “wrapper” of their DNA molecules.