The academic drew a parallel with the failure of the Luna-25 mission and the project that failed 65 years ago.
Scientist Lev Zeleny noted that these two episodes have common nuances.
The head of the first stage of the USSR's lunar program believes that the crash of the Luna-25 station in 2023 was the same misunderstanding as the situation with Luna-1 in 1959, TASS reports.
But then it wasn't a crash, but a miss. The device flew past the Earth's satellite due to a miscalculation.
However, in both cases, one fundamental error led to such results.
The engineers did not finish the system for checking the connection between the different units of the device.
But the Luna 1 mission still benefited science. The craft was equipped with ion traps.
They detected streams of hot plasma, now called the solar wind, in a breakthrough discovery for space explorers.
The Soviet mission Luna-2 was a success. This device became the first in history to reach the surface of the Earth's satellite.