Communicating with people who always have “everything bad” cannot be called pleasant or exciting.
There are special tactics that will help you interact with such people and not become their problem solver.
It's good when you don't have to communicate with a person who is always complaining about everything.
It's a different matter when it's a relative, friend or colleague. In this case, you'll have to interact.
The first thing to do in such a situation is to give up pity for this person.
This will not help, but only motivates the person to pour out his soul even more actively and “burden” with his worries.
It's better to ask this person what he is going to do about this problem.
Also, the discussion of this issue can be accompanied by light support. For example, express confidence that everything will work out and the difficult period will be overcome.
Secondly, you can’t try to solve other people’s problems.
Very often, this category of people can cope perfectly well on their own, but for various reasons they try to find someone who will do it for them.
It is also important not to take things too seriously.
The interlocutor may begin to seriously worry, and the narrator simply gets unhealthy pleasure from feeling negative emotions.
Sometimes you can simply listen to your interlocutor without making any judgments or offering solutions.
If you have time and internal resources, you can simply take the role of a listener.
Perhaps this is the only way for a person to relieve stress and he does not need any advice or help at all.