Showing all your cards too quickly to a woman is another male mistake.
Despite numerous stories of women extracting millions from resourceful men, many of them continue to open up.
The main problem here is that a man who surrounds a woman with comfort and gifts risks facing a problem.
A woman will fall in love not with him, but with his resources. And at the slightest problem she will leave due to lack of feelings.
A woman will not allow herself a number of liberties next to a strong man. She will quickly adjust her behavior to the man's strength.
A weak man will tolerate women's liberties, or resort to demonstrations of physical strength and intimidation.
A man should hide his weakness from a woman and be strong from the start.
A man is forced to pursue and court, and also to reveal his feelings.
The problem with most men is that by revealing their emotional attachment too quickly, they allow the woman to manipulate them.