Everyone knows that in order to grow a beautiful flower, the soil in which it will grow is important.
It must be fertilized and enriched so that magnificent plants grow. This rule also applies to relationships.
Many people believe that having a successful relationship and being happy is just a matter of meeting the right person. However, this is a big misconception.
Until a person makes an effort, he will never be happy, even if he meets the most wonderful and perfect partner.
Let's look at three statements that are best not made to someone close to you if you want to build a good, strong relationship with them.
"If you love me, you will..."
This is how you address your partner when you really want them to say or do something. But they can easily answer you: "Well, if you love me, why are you making me do this?"
A serious relationship with a person inevitably presupposes mutual respect.
We often ask our partner to do certain things that we consider right. And here it is important to think about how to express your desire or request. Forcing a loved one to prove their love is not worth it.
After all, by saying these words, you are questioning your partner’s feelings just because you want to watch a movie, for example.
However, if there is a serious request between you that challenges your partner's feelings, you can change the phrase to: "I find it hard to understand why you don't want to do this. Sometimes I feel like you don't love me that much."
"Why isn't everything the same as before?"
When you say that, you are fighting reality, because feelings do change.
You won't feel the same way you did the day you met, a month or a year after that. But why should that necessarily be bad? Trust takes time, and when there is love, it only gets stronger over the years.
"You're acting just like..."
This sentence cannot be finished with a positive statement. The worst option is to compare your partner with a former boyfriend (there can be many examples of comparison here).
Such a statement is not at all constructive, because it will certainly cause anger and resentment, and your loved one will not understand such words.
Sometimes in a fit of anger we say words just to make someone angry or to make them do something. But unfortunately, this does not solve the problem.
Instead, try another approach – simply clarify what exactly your partner is doing wrong and how it makes you feel. “When you do this, I feel really hurt. I just want to…”
Of course, relationships are not easy things, and there are no people who do not make mistakes.
It is important to put in the effort to maintain a successful relationship and your efforts will definitely pay off.
Earlier we wrote about what you shouldn’t do in a relationship.