These techniques will help you stop taking criticism so painfully: take note

22.12.2024 13:41

Criticism is a phenomenon that we often encounter, even if we do not want it.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to perceive it without resentment or painful feelings, since criticism can make us doubt our abilities.

We figure out how to stop being offended by words addressed to you and respond to them adequately.

How to respond to criticism

First, try to calm down. The more nervous you are, the more upset you will be by what the person says.

Secondly, do not form an opinion of yourself based on the opinion of the critic. Most often, criticism is based on a specific situation.

Photo: Pixabay

The third thing that follows from this is: give yourself time. After you have heard an opinion that is offensive to you from another person, analyze what was said.

Perhaps the criticism was said in the heat of the moment and is not objective.

Fourth, don't be shy about asking questions. Ask the person to be more specific about their complaints, especially if they are too general.

Irina Tint Author: Irina Tint Editor of Internet resources