“I crave change in my life, but it seems like something is stopping me from taking action”: the reason and what to do about it

05.01.2025 17:02

Many people like to start the new year with a promise to change something in their lives, achieve some goals, and so on.

These promises are not always connected with the New Year. It is simply a very convenient event to which the coming changes can be tied. But do these changes actually happen? This becomes clear closer to December.

The desire for change is natural for a person. But on this path, various obstacles appear. First of all, of a psychological nature.

For example, a person really wants change, but some internal brake is triggered that prevents him from taking the first step.

The origins of this problem are to be found in motivation. It usually starts from the reason ("Why do I need this?") and the goal ("Why, what is my goal?").

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A person usually knows the answer to the first question. But the second one is a disaster. This is precisely why it is impossible to start acting.

Until there is a clear goal, until it is analyzed and justified, the desire will remain just a desire.

Any change should begin with an answer to a simple question: “Why do I need this?” Already at this stage, you can understand (if you answer honestly) whether there is a serious goal or not.

There are many examples. Take, for example, buying a car. It is needed for some specific purposes (a trip to the country, business, etc.) or you just don’t want to lag behind your neighbors (colleagues, friends).

If the second option, then the motivation is pain, a sense of inferiority. That is, an expensive purchase will not solve a specific problem, but will simply relieve mental pain.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is work through the negative emotions, and then try to answer the question “why?” again.

There is another reason for inaction, which is associated with a long period during which a person experienced only negative emotions.

Here all internal resources are simply burned out. In such a case there may be both a reason and a goal, but the person will still lie on the couch and do nothing.

In this case, they begin not with answering questions, but with restoring internal resources.

Dmitry Bobrov Author: Dmitry Bobrov Editor of Internet resources