Everyone has probably encountered infantilism in one way or another.
Even if you haven’t noticed such qualities in yourself, there will be a person in your circle who often behaves like a child.
Signs of infantilism
Infantilism is the behavior of an adult that is very reminiscent of children's actions. Some signs of such character traits are obvious:
- egoism to the extent that a person is seriously fixated on himself and at the same time his self-esteem can be seriously shaken due to the opinions of others;
- unwillingness to take responsibility;
- inability to manage finances;
- total lack of independence and dependence on another person to the point that the dependent person dissolves in him;
- inability to get along with others, since any search for compromise most often ends in scandal.
Thus, all these character traits are most reminiscent of a child who, since childhood, has been accustomed to getting everything he wants.
Therefore, if you begin to notice something similar in yourself or in your loved ones, it is better to start working on this problem in a timely manner.