Every person at least once faced difficulties in making certain decisions.
As many psychologists claim, very often incorrect thinking patterns prevent decision-making.
Experts have revealed what specific behavioral and thought patterns are being discussed.
In addition, psychologists have discovered a way to get rid of this kind of attitude.
Take note
Thinking traps are usually understood as cognitive distortions, which in reality are stereotypes and misconceptions.
At first glance, it seems that stereotypes, on the contrary, help to make a decision very quickly.
However, in reality the quality of such solutions remains questionable and suboptimal.
To get rid of cognitive distortions, you need to learn to recognize them - they are often very deeply rooted.
Learn to isolate where you think and where your habitual mindset does the work for you. To do this, rely solely on your own desires and principles.
Earlier we talked about what things about women are incomprehensible to men .