The results of wet cleaning will last much longer if you use a folk remedy instead of regular water.
This method has proven itself so well that even professional cleaners use it.
Experts advise adding fabric softener to the water. 50 ml of the product is enough for 200 ml.
Next, the liquid should be thoroughly mixed and the solution for wet cleaning is ready.
It is better to use a soft microfiber cloth. It should be thoroughly moistened in the solution and wipe the furniture, windowsills and other similar surfaces.
It is important to distribute the liquid evenly over the entire area. Then the maximum effect will be achieved.
What's the secret of this simple remedy? It's all about the conditioner, which repels dust.
After using this product, an invisible film remains on the surface.
This “protective layer” prevents dust from settling so quickly on furniture and other surfaces.
This will help reduce the number of wet cleanings.