It's no secret that dust, sweat and skin cells accumulate on pillows.
Therefore, it needs to be washed regularly, and over time, due to wear and tear, it needs to be replaced altogether.
And there is one simple test that will show whether it is time to replace the pillow.
It needs to be folded in half. The pillow needs to be held in this position for about 30 seconds, and then released.
If the pillow leans back, then it is still in good enough shape and can be used.
But if it remains in the same position, then it is worth thinking about replacing it.
After all, such a pillow can be weighed down by accumulated cells and dust.
Therefore, it is unlikely to perform its functions effectively. In addition, sleeping on such a pillow can be harmful.
How often should you change your pillow?
There are other signs that indicate that the pillow needs to be replaced.
They are usually changed every year or two. The frequency of replacement depends on the material.
You can put the date of purchase on the pillow tag to help you determine if it's time to replace it.
Also, lingering odors that are difficult to remove or lumps will be a reason to buy a new pillow.
Earlier we wrote about how to quickly clean a pillow without washing.