How to Fight Insomnia: 7 Great Ways

18.02.2024 17:30
Updated: 12.05.2024 23:40

The problem of insomnia affects about a third of people and should not be underestimated, as it significantly reduces the comfort of life.

Your potential to use at work, school or university is significantly reduced.

You lack the energy to tackle new challenges, you can't concentrate, and your physical fitness deteriorates.

All day long you dream of nothing but being in your own bed, and once you get there you experience insomnia again.

How can you cope with the inability to sleep? Relax, usually a small change in your daily habits is enough.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

The problem of insomnia is in the bed

For many people, the bed becomes a personal kingdom. It is here that you feel your best and, when you return home and have fulfilled all your obligations, you happily run to this cozy oasis of calm.

So the bed serves as a dining room, a TV room, a place to work, read books, and casually browse social media. However, the bed should be used for sleeping, and that is how your mind should perceive it.

The ways to combat insomnia can be trivial. Often, you just need to move the most important activities of your home life to other places: eat at the kitchen table, watch TV in the living room, and work at your desk.

Once you find yourself in the bed you've been missing, sleep will be a reward that should come very soon.


Home remedies for insomnia can be doubly beneficial for the body. A great example of this is physical exercise, which you can organize at home or in the immediate vicinity of home.

Jogging, cycling or taking a longer walk will allow your body to receive enough oxygen.

It's not about setting new records, but about a daily habit that shouldn't be tiring and will become a pleasure over time.

However, remember not to overdo it with the effort, because the energized body can rebel and further aggravate the problem with insomnia. The best solution is to be active 2-3 hours before the planned rest.

Sleep only at night

The answer to the question of how to deal with insomnia may be very simple. The body is biologically adapted for nighttime sleep. That is when you are best restored and recharged for the next day, which is full of challenges.

Daytime or evening sleep greatly disrupts the circadian rhythm, and if it becomes a habit, then the problem of insomnia is a natural consequence.

Luckily, this problem is easy to solve. Just make an effort to avoid napping during the day for the next few days, despite being tired. Your body should get back on track very quickly.

Comfortable conditions

Another effective way to combat insomnia is to make sure you have the right sleeping conditions. There are many factors that contribute to falling asleep and restful recovery. Our ancestors were guided by the sun, and we are biologically the same. So before going to bed, it is worth taking care of dim lighting.

Just before bed, you should also avoid looking at a computer, TV, or smartphone screen, which are sources of bright light. Also, thoroughly ventilate the room to ensure that you have fresh, oxygen-rich air.

The appropriate temperature for sleep is 19-20 °C. Also, noise or simply distracting sounds can cause insomnia. How can you cope when you live next to a busy street? With earplugs or by closing the window after airing the bedroom.

Coffee and stimulants

Ways to combat insomnia also include gentle changes to your daily habits.

Coffee or energy drinks containing caffeine in small amounts never hurt anyone, but several cups of coffee a day can come back to haunt you at night, causing a lack of quality sleep.

Cigarettes work in a similar way, and alcohol also affects many people. Although an evening smoke and a glass of wine are a source of relaxation for many, tobacco and alcohol raise blood pressure, which certainly does not have a positive effect on restful sleep.

So if you can't give up stimulants completely, change your habits and don't use them before bed.


Proven home remedies for insomnia also include herbs. Instead of a glass of wine, drink a decoction of lemon balm, St. John's wort or lavender.

These herbs have a calming effect and work well for many people as a natural sleep aid.

If, on the other hand, you are not a fan of the taste of herbal infusions, most of them also come in flavored versions, which are easy to find at the drugstore or even the grocery store. You can make a delicious hot drink yourself, based on your favorite ingredients, that will neutralize the flavor of the herbs.


Before a planned sleep, it is necessary to calm down and relax. Of course, any activity, including intellectual, does not serve this purpose.

Arousal can be caused by a situation where, when you are already in bed, hundreds of plans and intriguing ideas for the future appear in your head.

Reading before bed is a good way to fall asleep, but it should be in dim light and it should not be a book that is engaging and keeps you glued to it, or that stimulates the mind.

When choosing a book to read, treat it simply as a sleeping pill, although it does not necessarily have to be a textbook on your most hated school subject.

Previously we wrote about how to use old towels in everyday life.


Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / HERE NEWS

  1. The problem of insomnia is in the bed
  2. Activity
  3. Sleep only at night
  4. Comfortable conditions
  5. Coffee and stimulants
  6. Herbs
  7. Reading