Professional window cleaners use the "s" technique, which guarantees impeccable cleanliness and no streaks.
Here's how you can use this method to clean windows in your home.
Spray the cleaning liquid onto the window glass and scrub off the dirt with a brush.
Then position the squeegee near the top or middle of the window pane. This will reduce the amount of water you'll have to wipe off the frames afterward.
Now start sliding the squeegee in an "s" motion, moving from top to bottom across the window.
When cleaning windows, you should always keep an eye on the front end of the squeegee to make sure all corners are reached.
Also, remember to return to your starting point when you get to the other side of the window to avoid streaks.
During the cleaning process, it is recommended to wipe the scraper with a clean towel after each action to avoid spreading dirt across the glass.
Perform as many "s" movements as needed, then finish the cleansing with one downward movement.
Wipe away excess water from the windowsill using the same scraper or cloth.
Use lint-free towels to dry frames to avoid leaving small lint on the glass.