A dirty, greasy baking tray is a common problem that many housewives face.
It is not always possible to easily and quickly remove dirt from a metal sheet.
To solve the problem, you can resort to one effective means. Let's consider it in more detail.
This product contains components that perfectly dissolve fat and remove dirt.
To remove grease and burnt food particles from a baking sheet, it is important to prepare a product. To do this, you will need the following:
- 3 tbsp vinegar,
- 10 tbsp. soda,
- 4 glasses of hot water.
Your actions
So, let's begin:
1. Connect the components together.
2. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
3. Treat the baking tray with the product and leave for 5-10 hours.
4. Remove any remaining product with water and a sponge.
By using this remedy, you can restore the cleanliness of your baking tray.
Methods of protection against mosquitoes were previously reported.