All housewives sooner or later face the problem of burnt pans.
Of course, it is not always possible to solve a problem quickly and without effort.
There is no need to get upset – simple and effective improvised means will help to restore the cleanliness of the frying pans. Let's consider them in more detail.
Salt + aluminum foil
If you need to clean a frying pan, but you are afraid of damaging it with aggressive agents, then use salt and foil.
Add some salt to the pan, then leave it for 5 minutes. After the specified time, all that remains is to go over it with a wad of foil, wash the dishes with detergent and rinse with water.
Potatoes + salt
At first glance, this combination seems dubious and useless. In fact, it is not.
If you sprinkle salt on a frying pan and rub it with potatoes in a circle, you will like the result. The main thing is not to forget to rinse the dishes with clean water.
By using these remedies, you can restore the former cleanliness of burnt dishes.
Previously, there were reports of egg trays being used in household chores .