It has become known about an unsuccessful circumcision operation on a boy in Turkey.
A child's genitals were removed as a result of an improperly performed circumcision in the Turkish city of Kayseri.
A 7-year-old boy was circumcised in a health resort, although this is prohibited, writes Haberler .
The child developed gangrene after circumcision and his genitals were cut off.
According to the child's father, the health worker took the boy home after the operation and did not monitor his health.
The next day the boy complained of swelling and discomfort. However, the doctor did not remove the bandage.
During the dressing, it became clear that the child had a complication, but the doctor ordered the patient not to tell the parents anything.
The parents nevertheless sought help from another doctor, but they were unable to save the child from the operation – the genitals were cut off.
A criminal case has been opened against the doctor of the health center.