Today is Monday, September 9: the 253rd day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. The year will end in 113 days.
The sun will rise at 5:51 Moscow time, and will set at 19:05. At 12:28 the sun will be at its zenith.
Daylight hours will last 13 hours 13 minutes, and darkness will last 10 hours 47 minutes.
Church holidays
Week 12 after Pentecost. No fast. Commemoration day of the Venerable Pimen the Great, and also of the Venerable Kuksha and Pimen the Faster, of the Caves, in the Near Caves.
Name days: Alexander, Anfisa, Vladimir, Dmitry, John, Methodius, Mikhail, Nikon, Savva, Stepan.
Secular holidays
Today in Russia we celebrate Tester's Day and Graphic Designer's Day.
September 9th is International Beauty Day.
Events of September 9
In 337, the sons of Emperor Constantine divided the Roman Empire into three parts.
In 1913, pilot Pyotr Nesterov first performed a complex aerobatic maneuver called the “loop of the loop.”
In 1948, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was formed, led by Kim Il Sung.
In 1991, Tajikistan declared its independence from the USSR.
Who was born on September 9
In 1828, the writer Leo Tolstoy was born.
In 1960, actor Hugh Grant was born.
Actor Adam Sandler was born in 1966.
In 1976, actress Polina Agureeva was born.
Folk omens
The high and leisurely flight of cranes means a warm autumn.
If cranes fly low and fast, the weather will deteriorate sharply.
A rainy autumn and frosty winter are expected if the rowan tree is thriving.
An abundance of acorns on oak trees is a sign of a harsh winter.