Today is Saturday, December 21: day 356 of the Gregorian year. The year ends in 10 days.
The sun will rise at 8:59 Moscow time, and at 15:58 it will set. At 12:28 the luminary will be at its zenith.
Daylight hours will last 7 hours, and darkness will last 17 hours.
Church holidays
Week 26 after Pentecost. Nativity Fast. Commemoration Day of the Martyr Anthusa in Rome and Saint Patapius of Thebes.
Name days: Kirill, Anfisa.
Secular holidays
Today is the winter solstice. This is the day when the shortest daylight hours are observed.
In Russia, December 21 is Realtor Day.
Today the world celebrates World Basketball Day.
Events of December 21
In 1898, Pierre and Marie Curie discovered radium.
In 1925, the premiere of the film "Battleship Potemkin" took place.
In 1937, the premiere of the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" took place.
In 1958, Charles de Gaulle became President of France.
In 1991, the USSR was dissolved in the CIS.
In 2012, many people on the planet were expecting the “end of the world,” which was supposedly predicted by the Mayan calendar.
Who was born on December 21st
In 1896, Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky was born.
In 1948, actor Samuel Jackson was born.
In 1963, the former head of Roscosmos, Senator Dmitry Rogozin, was born.
In 1967, former President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili was born.
In 1977, French President Emmanuel Macron and TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova were born.
Folk omens
A clear frosty morning promises prolonged cold weather without sudden warming.
Gusty wind foretells unstable weather. It will be frosty, then warm.
Frost on the trees promises heavy snowfalls in the near future.
A cloudy but windless day hints at a mild winter.