What holiday is today: December 19, 2024 - events and signs of the day of Nikola Zimniy

19.12.2024 00:01

Today is Thursday, December 19: day 354 of the Gregorian year. The year ends in 12 days.

The sun will rise at 8:57 Moscow time, and at 15:58 it will set. At 12:28 the luminary will be at its zenith.

Daylight hours will last 7 hours, and darkness will last 17 hours.

Church holidays

Week 26 after Pentecost. Nativity Fast. Memorial Day of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the Wonderworker.

Name days: Maxim, Nikolai.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

Secular holidays

Today, Russia celebrates Military Counterintelligence Day and Supply Day.

On December 19, the world celebrates International Day of Helping the Poor.

Events of December 19

In 1863, Englishman Frederick Walton patented linoleum.

In 1946, France's war in Indochina began.

In 1997, the film "Titanic" premiered.

In 2016, Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov was killed in Turkey.

Who was born on December 19

In 1906, General Secretary of the USSR (1964–1982) Leonid Brezhnev was born.

In 1915, the singer Edith Piaf was born.

In 1933, People's Artist of the USSR, actress Galina Volchek was born.

In 1944, People's Artist of the RSFSR, actress Anastasia Vertinskaya was born.

In 1975, the singer and leader of the group "Uma2rmaH" Vladimir Kristovsky was born.

In 1987, French footballer Karim Benzema was born.

Folk omens

If the morning is clear, cold, but windless, then a prolonged period of frost is expected ahead.

Continuous snowfall on St. Nicholas Day promises a calm winter without severe frosts.

A snowstorm on this day foretells an unpredictable year.

Strong winds promise heavy snowfalls in January.

If it gets suddenly warmer, a good harvest is expected in the summer.

Dmitry Bobrov Author: Dmitry Bobrov Editor of Internet resources

  1. Church holidays
  2. Secular holidays
  3. Events of December 19
  4. Who was born on December 19
  5. Folk omens