Today is Saturday, December 14: day 349 of the Gregorian year. The year ends in 17 days.
The sun will rise at 8:53 Moscow time, and will set at 15:57. At 12:25 the sun will be at its zenith.
Daylight hours will last 7 hours 3 minutes, and darkness will last 16 hours 57 minutes.
Church holidays
Week 25 after Pentecost. Nativity Fast. Prophet Nahum's Day of Remembrance.
Name days: Naum, Porfiry, Dmitry.
Secular holidays
December 14 is the Day of the Bashkir Language.
Today the world celebrates International Monkey Day, and Turkmenistan celebrates Oil and Gas Industry and Geology Workers Day.
Events of December 14
In 1893, the Upper Trading Rows (GUM) were ceremoniously opened on Red Square in Moscow.
In 1913, Greece established control over the island of Crete.
In 1986, the Shelter facility was completed over power unit No. 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
In 2020, there was a total solar eclipse.
Who was born on December 14
In 1503, the astrologer and seer Nostradamus was born.
In 1546, the astronomer Tycho Brahe was born.
In 1924, singer, People's Artist of the USSR Gohar Gasparyan was born.
In 1960, former Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was born.
In 1985, actress Daria Sagalova was born.
Folk calendar
If the day is clear, the winter will be cold.
The snowfall promises a good harvest next year.
If it rains on this day, spring will come early.
Lots of birds near the house means a thaw is coming.