Folk omens for December 22, 2024: what does snow near the fence indicate

22.12.2024 07:00

On December 22, Christians honor Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary. It is believed that she conceived the Virgin Mary on this day.

People called Anna Dark because it was the shortest day of the year.

The way the snow lay on this day determined the future weather.

Name day December 22

Today is the name day of Alexander, Anna, Vasily, Vladimir, Stepan.

Today's birthday people have the following character traits:

Photo: © TUT NEWS
  • the desire to plan everything;
  • reliability and regularity;
  • demandingness and disrespect for other people's opinions.

At the same time, Sagittarius born on December 22 enjoy their work and get pleasure when they see its fruits.

Weather signs

On this day, we observed snow and frost.

They would go out to the fence and watch how it lay: if it was close, the summer would be bad, and if there was a gap, they expected a bountiful harvest. A thick layer of frost on December 22 also promised a good harvest.

If you see a halo around the sun, severe frosts will soon come.

Irina Tint Author: Irina Tint Editor of Internet resources

  1. Name day December 22
  2. Weather signs