Ambrosimov Day: what can and cannot be done on this holiday

20.12.2024 00:40

Ambrosim's Day is a special holiday for Orthodox Christians.

On this day, it is important to know what you can do and what is best avoided so as not to lose your luck for the whole year.

What not to do

Noise and fun

You shouldn't have fun and make noise on Ambrosim's Day, so as not to bring on illness in the winter.

Arguments and sadness

It is not recommended to quarrel, argue and be sad so that the next year will pass successfully.

Combing hair

If a girl has a boyfriend, then on December 20 she should not comb her hair to avoid a breakup.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

Time with family

Avoid spending the evening away from your family to avoid losing your source of support.


Washing on this day is considered a bad omen, as wet laundry can cause illness.

Sadness and tears

If you cry or feel sad, then you will have to grieve for 40 days, since bad emotions will attract sadness.


You cannot give or accept gifts, especially from people you don’t know well, so as not to attract damage.

What can be done


Nowadays it is common to do handicrafts, especially sewing, so that unmarried girls can find husbands.

Helping those in need

Helping those in need is one way to bring good luck and prosperity into your home.

Visiting the bathhouse

Visiting a bathhouse on Ambrose's day helps cleanse the body. A person thus gets rid of all the bad things of the year.

Elena Gutyro Author: Elena Gutyro Editor of Internet resources

  1. What not to do
  2. Noise and fun
  3. Arguments and sadness
  4. Combing hair
  5. Time with family
  6. Washing
  7. Sadness and tears
  8. Present
  9. What can be done
  10. Needlework
  11. Helping those in need
  12. Visiting the bathhouse