Probably every girl, looking at the cover of fashion magazines, at least once thought that she also wants to look just as perfect.
And while some succeed, others are unable to achieve the desired result.
But why does it happen that many people cannot lose those hated extra pounds? What arguments do many women use to support this?
There is an opinion that fasting is a surefire way to lose weight. This is far from true. When a person does not eat, the body experiences stress and begins to produce a hormone called cortisol, which contributes to even greater accumulation of fat in the body.
Eat less, but continue to consume "harmful" products. You should not expect any benefit from this method. Weight loss is possible, but it will be ineffective, since the fat layer from unhealthy food will not decrease.
Follow all the rules of proper nutrition, but neglect physical exercise. In this case, the weight will decrease due to a decrease in muscle mass. To prevent this, you need to exercise.
It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with training, spending several hours in fitness clubs. It is enough to do simple exercises 2-3 times a week, combining them with a walk in the evenings and, if possible, do exercises every morning.
The opposite of the previous method is to exercise but eat incorrectly. Unfortunately, this method will not lead to the desired forms either.
There is an opinion that you not only need to eat less, but also drink less. This is a big misconception. Our body is 60% water! And you shouldn't moderate your water consumption!
When losing weight, especially through exercise, dehydration occurs, which leads to decreased elasticity of the skin, dryness, and disruption of the internal organs, especially the kidneys.
A decrease in fluid in the body leads to compensatory fluid retention, which will result in swelling of not only external tissues, but also internal ones.
All of the above, as well as some other factors, but not dependent on the girl (genetic predisposition to obesity, chronic somatic diseases, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.) prevent her from reaching the heights that she so wants to "take".
And if the latter cannot be controlled, then the former can be changed very well, the main thing is to have the desire. Only persistence, willpower, and a craving for beauty help to "work on yourself" and achieve your goal!
Previously, we talked about the dangers of using dirty air conditioners .