The human liver has been called many things: the source of life, the main filter of the body, a chemical factory.
o for this factory to work smoothly, you need to know what it likes and what it does not accept. So, what is good for our liver?
Peace of mind
Here the words of the well-known Carlson would be appropriate: "Calm down, just calm down." In order for the liver to be healthy, conflicts and emotional overloads should be avoided.
A good night's sleep
This vital organ needs a good night's rest, because it is at night that its restoration occurs.
Physical activity
Moderate physical activity is very beneficial for the liver. Swimming, fast walking, skiing or skating, and simple gymnastic exercises are suitable.
The right products
If it is meat, then chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit. But the liver will be more happy with fish: hake, carp, cod, pike, pike perch, perch.
Of course, you need vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, squash, apples, apricots. Cereals: oats, buckwheat, rice, semolina. Low-fat dairy products. The list of healthy products also includes kelp, flax seeds, olive oil, green tea, turmeric.
What is harmful for the liver?
When there is psychological imbalance, free radicals are formed, which cause fat accumulation in the liver and weaken its protective properties.
Lack of sleep
With chronic lack of sleep, the “main filter” does not have time to cope with all incoming toxins and waste and fully recover.
Liver restoration is only possible with regular supply of nutrients to the body.
Oxygen deficiency
Without sufficient oxygen, oxidation processes cannot occur and, as a result, the liver cannot function normally.
Therefore, you should spend more time outdoors and ventilate the room more often.
This is the number one enemy that causes destruction of liver cells. Smoking also causes great harm.
Drug abuse
Excessive, unreasonable use of drugs can lead to serious liver problems.
A sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of many serious diseases, including this exocrine gland.
Excess weight
Particularly dangerous is the abdominal type of obesity, in which fat accumulates in the abdominal area.
Wrong products
Products harmful to the liver include fatty meats, smoked meats, offal, lard, canned goods, pickles, hot spices, ketchup, mayonnaise, mushrooms, pastries, sweets, fast food, soda, black coffee. Fried foods are excluded.
Earlier, a doctor of biological sciences revealed which oil helps reduce cholesterol in the human body.