Cell phones may cause certain types of cancer or other health problems.
Scientific studies confirm the possibility of health damage from close contact with the phone due to radio wave radiation.
The problem is that phones are used close to the head, and their ionizing radiation increases the risk of developing certain types of cancer, writes the National Cancer Institute .
Second, third and fourth generation cell phones emit radio frequencies with a frequency range of 0.7–2.7 GHz, while the fifth generation has a frequency spectrum no higher than 80 GHz.
Scientists note that this energy is still too small to damage DNA. However, a number of factors can increase the negative impact of mobile phones on health.
An analysis of data from 13 countries found a significant association between the intracranial distribution of brain tumors and the location of the phone.
Scientists recommend keeping your phone half a metre away from your head while sleeping to minimise potential risks.
Earlier, an ophthalmologist revealed the connection between eye health and gadgets .