Never try to grow tomatoes and peppers in the same bed.
Tomatoes will crowd out and suppress pepper plants.
They grow much taller and will shade the pepper seedlings, which are in dire need of sunlight.
Peppers also tolerate drier conditions, while tomatoes require more feeding.
Moreover, tomatoes and peppers belong to the same family and are susceptible to common diseases such as verticillium wilt and bacterial spot.
Also, tomatoes and peppers have different types of roots. The fibrous root of the tomato usually forms a sponge, which will interfere with the roots of the pepper and lead to stunted growth.
Some tomato varieties grow bushy and will require more space for ventilation.
If you plant tomatoes and peppers together, you can strangle the plants and affect their yield.
Both tomatoes and peppers require full sun, and partial shading of each other will not benefit either plant.