The secret to luxurious and abundant orchid flowering lies not only in moisturizing and feeding.
This plant also reacts to location.
First of all, the orchid should be protected from three things: low temperatures, drafts, and direct sunlight.
It is better to place the flower on a window facing north or east.
This will ensure the softest and most gentle lighting possible, which will not cause any harm.
During the cold season, you should not open the window if there is an orchid on the windowsill.
A draft or just cold air will harm this delicate plant. The bloom will be torn off.
But at the same time, the orchid also doesn’t like excessive heat.
Therefore, it has no place near hot radiators either. The same applies to other heat sources: heater, oven, fireplace, etc.
It is also not recommended to place the flower near ventilation and air conditioning.
Stable and warm air, moderate lighting, and timely watering will do a lot for the orchid to bloom.
But no cold water. Also ideally use rainwater.