A mole is an animal that looks cute and fluffy.
However, such an animal often ruins the life of summer residents. You can lose the harvest early in the morning. What to do with such a pest and how to drive it out of your summer cottage?
The mole is guided by natural instincts and digs underground tunnels. Because of this, the root system of plants is seriously damaged. The harvest usually dies completely, says Anastasia Kovrizhnykh .
Also, the mole carries infections on its paws and skin that are extremely dangerous for plants.
How to deal with such a garden pest
- installation of special nets in mole passages;
- use of electronic mole repellents;
- use of repellents.
An effective method in the fight against mole pests is ultrasound.
The use of ultrasonic devices allows you to prevent garden pests in time.
If you don’t feel like spending money on such a purchase, you can use a wooden or metal pinwheel.
Also, these furry animals do not tolerate strong smells. You can put mint or ammonia in the mole's hole. This method will help to easily clear the area.
In modern pharmacies you can find a large number of chemicals for fighting moles. Also, garden pests do not like some types of plants.
You can plant daffodils and ornamental onions around the beds. The mole will not be happy with such a neighborhood and will quickly leave the area in search of a better place.
Earlier we named the reasons for the death of seedlings .