Evgeniya Aleksandrovna Plotnikova is a psychologist with a body-oriented approach.
Expert of the online publication "TUT NEWS" on issues of psychology.
Psychologist of the online psychological help service "In Harmony".
Practices a humanistic approach, where soft help is provided, warm, safe communication is created. This gives the opportunity to be who you are.
Psychologist in a body-oriented approach, volunteer on the federal hotline for psychological support to the population, volunteer for the "Trainer" project, president of the Interregional public organization "Development of Psychological Assistance" in Moscow.
The path was indeed not easy. After school, I received a higher legal education (jurisprudence, civil law specialization). I have many hobbies, some of which became my profession, and it was difficult to settle on one. The profession of a psychologist, as often happens, became interesting after I became acquainted with personal therapy. I tried working with different psychologists, different methods. Having received a diploma in "Psychological counseling", I realized that my dreams were just beginning to come true.