As a rule, a person faces his fears at work.
Some people are afraid of criticism, others don’t want to fail, and others are afraid of their bosses and competition.
Therefore, you should also learn about your fears as soon as possible in order to eventually overcome them.
Fear of failure
When you take on new assignments, you begin to fear that you will fail.
Some people "wind themselves up" from the very morning, and when they come to work, they try to shift their responsibilities to others, some even remain, to put it mildly, in a bad mood. But think about the reason for the appearance of such fear.
Maybe you lack some knowledge or skills to successfully cope with the work? Or you are just a perfectionist by nature. Or you are very tired because you have not taken a vacation for a long time.
Fear of luck
Some people are afraid of success. They are afraid of the responsibility that will come when they achieve what they want. However, it is necessary to move forward.
You are not going to do the same type of work all your life, are you? Development is also very important. So overcome your indecision and conquer new heights.
Fear of criticism
Many people are afraid of looking funny to their colleagues or getting reprimanded by their boss. And such fears prevent them from remaining natural.
However, this can cause you even more problems. Think about why criticism scares you, how you behave when you encounter it.
Maybe you really don't want to work and have become a lazy employee? But if you are sure that you are being criticized without reason, you should decide to have a serious conversation with your colleague or boss.
Fear of competition
You are afraid that someone else will do the job better and faster than you, so you try to complete the task as quickly as possible, but you make too many mistakes.
You are afraid of the very thought of losing your job, so you see every employee as a competitor. However, such suspicion scares off others.
Learn to adequately assess your capabilities. Believe that you are an irreplaceable worker.
Therefore, it is better to be friends with your colleagues rather than turn them into your potential competitors.
Fear of the boss
When some people have to engage in dialogue with their boss, they simply stop talking.
Indeed, some bosses look so authoritative and impressive that not everyone will dare to enter into an argument with them. However, dialogue is necessary.
Allow yourself to argue with your boss at least sometimes, refusing his proposals and words. After all, he is also a person and can make a mistake somewhere.
Earlier I told you why you are still poor.