Conflict at work is not the most pleasant thing that can happen to you, but it is also inevitable.
A clash between two people based on contradictions or personal hostility can greatly interfere with work, as well as in any other area of our lives.
But it's one thing when the discussion nevertheless concerns specific shortcomings in the methods of execution (often with the management or the person you work with in a pair) or the final result; where this point is clarified as correctly as possible, without dragging it out and turning it into a farce. Although here too some topics are dragged out.
The second is misunderstanding between employees.
The reasons may be views on life, politics, music, which football team is cooler and where the beer tastes better, but the main thing is that this does not move on to the next "point".
The third is personal hostility, or the presence in the team of that very “master of scandals” who is supposed to start and develop a conflict, even the essence is not particularly important to him.
If in the first cases people are able to listen and hear each other, come to a common opinion and decision, then the transition to the third situation, fortunately, cannot happen.
And it's easier to solve - reread the first sentence. Didn't help? No big deal!
Let's take a closer look, because the following steps are quite reasonable to apply in both cases:
1. Keep calm and do not let your resentment come out in the guise of emotions, this will make everything worse from the very beginning.
2. Suggest to your colleague that you talk calmly, preferably on neutral territory.
3. Listen to his opinion on this matter, clarify what he considers "not so". While you listen, do not rush to correct and get into trouble, let him speak out. Then speak out yourself. Do not forget to be correct and objective.
4. It is important to come to a common opinion, a compromise, without pulling the blanket over yourself and blaming the other. Do not forget that the situation needs to be considered from both sides.
Perhaps your opponent is right and you should reconsider some points and take his side, or your opponent will understand that he himself misunderstood something and you can calmly part ways, shaking hands.
5.. Find a neutral observer. This kind of "judge" with his independent opinion will greatly help both to find out who is wrong and where, especially if it was not possible to come to a decision independently.
6. Know how to admit your mistakes. No one will ever be surprised by the fact that we ourselves can be guilty of conflicts, sometimes without even really realizing it.
Of course, there is no need to apologize for all your mortal and other people's sins, only for the cause.
7. If your boss picks on you for no apparent reason, in your opinion, then ask clarifying questions.
"Bad worker - Why? Did a bad job - Tell me where I made mistakes. I want to understand." Speak in a calm, even tone, without attacking.
It would seem like the most banal of banalities, but these actions prevent conflict from arising from the discussion.
The latter situation does not bode well at all: "poking" a colleague at his alleged shortcomings (gender, age, experience, work method, etc.), spreading gossip in order to put the opponent in an unfavorable light, can also be connected with envy, inability to recognize the merits of others and one's own mistakes, etc. Simply put, a competitive battle.
You can start an action plan called "beat your enemy with his own weapons."
Yes, you can put someone in their place with verbal causticity. Yes, you can win, a visible victory.
And what does the real result say? Instead of resolving the conflict, there is a real war, "who has more poison". Do you like the prospect of wasted nerves, energy and time?
Talk to the person, find out why he treats you this way. Maybe you can come to a reconciliation. The chances are small, but still.
But in case you decide to enter into conflict with such a person:
Although it was written above, remember once and for all. Always radiate calm, do not fall for provocations.
The main task of an aggressor, a manipulator, or, as people call him, a “rat” is to evoke emotions.
If you start to show by your appearance that you have been hurt in one way or another, or make excuses, the instigator of the conflict will already be the winner.
Be confident in yourself, neutralize the situation as soon as possible.
I love the following phrase: "Don't argue with a fool - people won't notice the difference."
Earlier I talked about how to get rid of them and achieve financial success.