A person's salary is often his only source of income, and if he loses it, he loses his livelihood.
But often a person doesn’t even count how much he earns and insists that he has enough for everything.
But as soon as he starts dreaming about more, he will see that his salary is not enough to cover even basic needs like food or paying for utilities. How can a person see the light and understand that his salary is small?
It is enough to go to a home appliance store and try to imagine that you need to buy a washing machine or a refrigerator. Will a person be able to do this right away, without taking out a loan?
Will he be able to buy equipment at a price higher than average? If not, it is worth thinking about.
It is also a good idea to calculate how much an hour of work costs. For example, a person earns 25,000 rubles, works 22 days a month, which means that on average he earns 1,200 rubles per day.
He works 8 hours, which means his salary is about 150 rubles per hour. Not that much, but if you earn less, the amount will be absolutely miserable. Why does a person agree to such a salary? Why is he attracted by stability, but not by the opportunity to afford much more?
Another way to become aware is to look at other people, their income and opportunities.
It must be a shame that you studied for many years and as a result did not earn anything, while younger people with less experience already allow themselves a lot, because they are not afraid, take risks and master new professions.
It is very important to be flexible, open, and not to get stuck in one thing, to see more opportunities around you.
Often people miss opportunities because they are not fully aware of them.
If your salary is small, you should tell yourself: “I earn little, and I need to do something about it.”
And start thinking, reflecting. what can be done right now to increase your income.
It may not be big right away, but as soon as a person starts moving, stirring, striving for something, he gains strength and motivation.
As long as he just sits and passively waits for his salary to be raised, nothing will come of it.
The employer is not interested in the employee earning a lot, otherwise he loses the desire to continue working.
You need to take the initiative into your own hands and look for sources of income on your own, learn new things, not stop there and be sure to create a financial cushion.
Earlier I talked about why some become successful businessmen , while others work for pennies.