Not all housewives know whether to cook soup with a lid or without it.
However, this point is quite important and can affect the taste and aroma of the dish.
Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained how to cook soup correctly.
Cooks' mistake
Some housewives cover the pot with a lid when cooking soup.
But it is not recommended to do this, because such actions have a negative effect on the appearance and taste of the dish.
Under the lid, the liquid begins to boil more actively. As a result, the soup becomes cloudy.
Therefore, it is advisable to cook this dish with the lid open.
But there are some exceptions to this rule.
For example, if you add meat to the soup, it is better to close the lid. Otherwise, it will turn out tough.
However, after adding vegetables, the lid should be removed. The same applies to cooking soup with fish.
You can cook thick soups under the lid, for example, any cream soup.
Earlier we wrote about why you should add baking soda when frying onions.