Doctor Alexander Myasnikov named a tea that will help you lose weight.
Recently, bloggers on social networks have begun calling green tea “nature’s ozempic.”
And this statement has a right to exist. Myasnikov noted in his Telegram channel that this drink has properties that promote weight loss.
Of course, this is not a panacea. Drinking five or six cups of green tea and eating whatever you want will not work. And you can’t forget about physical activity.
But green tea, in combination with other measures, really does help you lose weight.
Myasnikov explained that this drink has one thing in common with ozempic: it promotes the production of the intestinal peptide GLP-1.
What does it do? It causes the pancreas to release insulin after you eat. This insulin lowers your blood sugar levels.
In addition, this peptide reduces the speed at which food leaves the stomach. This means that a person feels full longer, and the feeling of hunger comes later than usual.
But Myasnikov emphasized that there is no universal remedy in the world that can, on its own, help you lose weight effectively and for a long time.
Only a comprehensive approach is guaranteed to give results. Therefore, it is worth starting with a lifestyle change, and a cup of tea after a meal can become a useful habit along the way.