The presence of salt, trans fats, white sugar and alcohol in the diet creates additional risks for the development of heart disease.
Experts agree that four categories of foods should be consumed with caution to avoid harming one of the most important organs.
The heart is called a biological pump that is fed by what it pumps.
Lots of salt
Eating foods that contain a lot of sodium raises blood pressure, the heart needs to pump harder, and the load on it occurs even at rest.
Margarines and trans fats
Products containing margarines, palm fats, trans fats, artificial cheeses, as well as fast food thicken the blood and are deposited as cholesterol.
White sugar
Sweet juices, carbonated drinks, desserts, chocolates have a negative effect on the heart. You should avoid consuming such products.
Alcoholic drinks
One of the most dangerous drinks, which is harmful to the heart and health in general.
Previously, the products that are most harmful to the heart were named.