Israeli Diet for Weight Loss: What is it all about?

06.12.2024 02:10

The Israeli diet for weight loss was developed by leading nutritionists and gastroenterologists in Israel.

Its basic principles are similar to proper and separate nutrition, and therefore this diet can not only help cope with extra pounds, but also cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

So, the principles of the diet are as follows:

- in the diet it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of products. Here you can safely use the principles of compatibility of products, which are offered by Dr. Shelton. Below we will tell you more about this;
- the process of losing kilograms should be gradual, which implies a monthly weight loss of no more than 3 kilograms. More intensive weight loss will not contribute to getting used to the principles of proper nutrition;
- while on a diet, it is essential to drink a sufficient amount of liquid per day, about eight glasses. Ideally, this should be clean, still water, which should replace liquid dairy and fermented milk products, any juices and even compotes in your diet. If your daily diet is rich in liquid products, then it is better to reduce the norm to five glasses.
- not a single day of the diet should resemble a mono-diet in its diet, because such experiments can cause irreparable harm to your health.

What does the diet look like?

As mentioned earlier, the Israeli diet for weight loss plays a key role in the compatibility of products. Therefore, the main recommendations for the diet consist of the principles of compatibility of products.

Photo: Pixabay

Firstly, all meat products, as well as eggs, cottage cheese and cheese, which are the main source of protein for our body, should not be present in the same meal with milk, sour cream or cream, as well as sunflower oil, potatoes and fruits with pronounced acidity.

It is much healthier if meat is combined with greens and fresh vegetables, eggs are ideal for porridge, and cottage cheese for dried fruits. But green salad leaves also go well with any seafood, including fish. In general, fish only goes well with green vegetables.

Secondly, it is necessary to completely exclude white bread from the diet, as well as overtly fatty products. At the same time, it is permissible to replace bread with whole grain bread. We also exclude food that contains all sorts of chemical additives and preservatives.

Remember that carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks is also a preservative. The Israeli diet involves eating the most natural and healthy foods.

Thirdly, if you are a big fan of all kinds of fruits and berries, then it is better to use them as a snack between main meals. At the same time, try to eat bananas and grapes no later than afternoon snack.

What does the Israeli diet menu look like?

Since we have already reviewed the diet earlier, the menu will only contain approximate types of dishes. Only the given order of eating food and intervals between meals are mandatory and unchangeable. Now in more detail.

Breakfast is done in several stages. As soon as you wake up and get out of bed, you need to drink one tablespoon of olive oil.

If this norm is too high for you, then start introducing this rule into your diet with one teaspoon, gradually increasing it to the required norm.

About twenty minutes after the oil, you need to drink a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Choose medium-fat varieties without fillers to avoid consuming excess sugar. An hour later, breakfast itself comes. It can consist of a portion of porridge on water, fresh vegetable salad and an egg.

The porridge can be any, but it is better to eat the egg every other day. It is better to wash it all down with a cup of unsweetened green tea. If your habit of drinking sweet tea is very strong, it is better to give up sugar, gradually reducing the dose.

The second breakfast is about a couple of hours after the first. It is better if it consists of unsweetened fruits.

Lunch is the most important and filling meal of the day. It can consist of a portion of vegetable salad like vinaigrette, a bowl of soup or borscht with vegetable broth, and 100 grams of lean boiled fish or beef.

All this can be supplemented with a slice of black bread or whole grain bread, and for dessert you are allowed to eat one baked apple.

Afternoon snack is two hours after lunch. During it, only unsweetened fruits are allowed, the weight of which will not exceed 300 grams.

Dinner is quite poor. It should consist of a glass of kefir and a fruit mix. The latter should be prepared as follows. Take equal amounts of prunes, dates, figs, dried apricots and walnuts and grind everything, preferably using a meat grinder. All this can be washed down with unsweetened green tea or plain water. For such a dinner, your intestines will definitely thank you with good work.

Portion sizes should not exceed the volume that fits in one standard saucer.

The correct start and end of the diet

The Israeli diet is designed in such a way that it follows the principles of proper nutrition, is in itself cleansing and normalizes metabolism, and therefore does not require any preparatory periods.

It is carried out for a month, during which you can lose three kilograms of weight. This figure is not critical, so the body does not experience stress.

It is much more important to exit the diet correctly. We will immediately note that this does not have to be done at all, since such a diet can be taken into account to improve your health and get rid of digestive problems forever.

The exit process should be long enough, corresponding in duration to the diet itself. At the same time, all prohibited products are introduced gradually, and the fattest ones are better even after at least two weeks after the diet. By being careful and accurate, you will maintain the weight gained as a result of the diet.

Similar diets

When searching for similar diets, we will find many analogues. For example, the diet of Sergey Agapkin, which also pursues the principles of healthy and moderate nutrition, which causes a feeling of similarity with the Israeli diet.

The only difference is that Dr. Agapkin prescribes mandatory physical exercise, which is not suitable for everyone.

Anita Tsoi's diet can also be considered a similar diet. The singer developed this diet herself, through trial and error. It also follows all the principles of healthy and separate nutrition according to Shelton. Only it is carried out in three stages, the first of which is directly losing weight, and the next two are consolidation and maintenance of the result.

The 90-day diet also has a similar weight loss principle. It also follows the rules of food composition, but only alternates protein, vitamin, starch and carbohydrate days.

Who is not suitable for the Israeli diet

Since the Israeli diet for weight loss does not limit the consumption of products, it has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to products. But a doctor's consultation is mandatory in any case.

Valeria Kisternaya Author: Valeria Kisternaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. What does the diet look like?
  2. What does the Israeli diet menu look like?
  3. The correct start and end of the diet
  4. Similar diets
  5. Who is not suitable for the Israeli diet