Every housewife dreams of making a truly fluffy and airy omelette.
However, not everyone knows how easy it is to actually get such a result.
Culinary expert, chef, and fourth-class baker Yulia Arkhipova suggested a method that can help make an omelet fluffier.
According to the expert, the clever trick that will be discussed in the second part of our article will suit any housewife without exception.
Take note
First, arm yourself with a glass container with a thick bottom, which you need to grease with butter.
Next, pour the omelette mixture into the specified container, place the container on a saucepan filled with water. Place the saucepan on the stove.
Wait until the water boils. Then wait 13-15 minutes and remove the entire structure from the stove.
The steam generated by the water evaporating from the pan will allow the omelette to become fluffy and tender.
Earlier we talked about how to properly beat eggs for an omelette.