The most expensive wallpaper in the world can cost tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
However, the beauty and elegance of these paintings amazes the imagination of any ordinary person.
It is known that some of these wallpapers are produced at the Zuber factory, where they produce unique collections of handmade paper and textile wall coverings.
The most expensive wallpaper in the world is called "Wars of Independence" or literally "FactoryLes Guerres D'Independence".
The peculiarity of this wallpaper is that it consists of 32 pieces and is designed for walls with a length of 15.4 meters.
The cost of such wall covering is impressive. The decor will cost the owners about 79 thousand dollars. And this amount is comparable to the price of real estate!
It is worth noting that this wall covering is included in the Guinness Book of Records.
The French company "Zuber" is engaged in the production of panoramic decorations from wooden blocks and sells them at high prices.
In addition to the above collection, the list of the most expensive wallpapers in the world includes works by British artist Mark Evans.
The signature wallpaper from "Handpainted de Gournay" is also among the most expensive due to its hand-made nature.
They are made in the chinoiserie style, traditionally hand painted. They may look like typical wallpaper, but up close and personal they are simply breathtaking.
Interesting facts
Some of the most expensive wallpaper in the world is the wallpaper that decorates the walls of the No Name pub and the Irish pub McGuire's. But you can't buy it.
Visitors to both of these establishments left dollar bills on the walls. And over time, the walls of the pubs were literally covered with dollars.
By some estimates, the bills hanging from the ceiling at No Name Pub alone could be worth more than $750,000.
Expensive wallpaper is not only an interior decoration, but also a real work of art that can transform a space beyond recognition.