Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told how to make fluffy pancakes with kefir.
Tatyana Khitrushko pancakes pancakes Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 25 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova explained how to thicken liquid jam.
Tatyana Khitrushko jam baking tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 24 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told us what you can add to soup to keep it from going sour.
Tatyana Khitrushko soup cooking Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 24 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova has suggested how to quickly remove all the bones from fried fish.
Tatyana Khitrushko fish cooking fish Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 22 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova explained what kind of water is best for placing eggs.
Tatyana Khitrushko eggs chicken eggs Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 22 April 2024Experienced housewives always wash buckwheat before cooking.
Tatyana Khitrushko buckwheat cereals tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 22 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova explained whether it is possible to cook buckwheat in cold water.
Tatyana Khitrushko buckwheat cooking buckwheat Chef's Tips cooking Diets and cooking 19 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told how to cook rice in just a few minutes.
Tatyana Khitrushko rice tips for cooks Chef's Tips cooking Diets and cooking 19 April 2024You probably haven't tried salting a product with added sugar yet.
Irina Tint how to salt lard culinary life hacks Diets and cooking 19 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova suggested a simple trick that will help solve this problem.
Tatyana Khitrushko dough yeast dough Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 18 April 2024Even a simple meat sauce can be made even more special with just one special ingredient.
Irina Tint how to make gravy culinary life hacks Diets and cooking 18 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told how to boil beets without odor.
Tatyana Khitrushko beet Chef's Tips tips for cooks cooking Diets and cooking 17 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova has suggested how to make an omelette fluffier.
Tatyana Khitrushko omelette food tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 17 April 2024There is a simple trick that will help make the fish tender and juicy.
Tatyana Khitrushko fish food cooking Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 17 April 2024There are ways to make the most delicate and velvety pea puree without spending much time.
Irina Tint how to cook peas pea porridge Diets and cooking 17 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told how to make a bright fry.
Tatyana Khitrushko Borsch frying Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 16 April 2024Chef and culinary expert Yulia Arkhipova told us which ingredient can ruin the taste of pilaf.
Tatyana Khitrushko pilaf tomato paste Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 16 April 2024Proper preparation of fried potatoes is a guarantee that your family will sweep the dish off the table in no time.
Irina Tint frying potatoes Ingredients Diets and cooking 15 April 2024Fried onions are an essential ingredient in many dishes.
Irina Tint how to fry onions culinary life hacks Diets and cooking 14 April 2024Pearl barley is quite capricious when it comes to making porridge.
Irina Tint how to cook pearl barley culinary life hacks Diets and cooking 12 April 2024