Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained whether it is necessary to rinse rice before cooking.
Tatyana Khitrushko rice cereals tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 2 May 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova told how to properly fry meat with onions.
Tatyana Khitrushko meat meat with onions Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 2 May 2024Experienced housewives use a clever life hack and put kefir in the freezer.
Tatyana Khitrushko kefir Chef's Tips tips for cooks cooking Diets and cooking 1 May 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained what kind of water is the right way to throw dumplings.
Tatyana Khitrushko dumplings Chef's Tips tips for cooks cooking Diets and cooking 1 May 2024This popular problem can be solved with the help of a simple life hack.
Tatyana Khitrushko dry-cured sausage sausage life hacks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 1 May 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained whether it is necessary to add onions to minced meat.
Tatyana Khitrushko stuffing onion Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 1 May 2024Keep these side dish preparation tips in mind.
Margarita Sadkovskaya potato cooking useful tips Diets and cooking 1 May 2024Sometimes even the most familiar products need just one ingredient to reveal themselves in a completely different way.
Irina Tint coffee with macaroons culinary life hacks Diets and cooking 30 April 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova gave advice on how to properly beat eggs for a fluffy omelette.
Tatyana Khitrushko omelette chicken eggs Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 30 April 2024A simple side dish can be transformed into a unique dish.
Margarita Sadkovskaya buckwheat preparation board Diets and cooking 30 April 2024Only advanced housewives know about this.
Margarita Sadkovskaya bay leaf soup board Diets and cooking 30 April 2024Your family will sweep the dish off the table in no time.
Margarita Sadkovskaya Borsch preparation butter Diets and cooking 30 April 2024The whole family will sweep this off the table tomorrow in the blink of an eye.
Margarita Sadkovskaya omelette preparation board Diets and cooking 30 April 2024The dish will turn out incredibly tasty and aromatic.
Margarita Sadkovskaya Borsch cream preparation Diets and cooking 30 April 2024You are guaranteed to get a delicious side dish.
Margarita Sadkovskaya pasta preparation life hacks Diets and cooking 30 April 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova suggested which ingredient will help improve the taste of this dish and make it juicy and tender.
Tatyana Khitrushko fish cutlets stuffing tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 27 April 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova told what is best not to add to borscht.
Tatyana Khitrushko Borsch soup Chef's Tips tips for cooks Diets and cooking 27 April 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained which two things are important to consider when frying chicken.
Tatyana Khitrushko chicken Chef's Tips tips for cooks mistakes Diets and cooking 27 April 2024Chef Yulia Arkhipova explained why lemon should be used when boiling eggs.
Tatyana Khitrushko eggs lemon tips for cooks Chef's Tips Diets and cooking 26 April 2024There is an easy way to improve the taste of this dish.
Tatyana Khitrushko French fries Chef's Tips tips for cooks cola Diets and cooking 26 April 2024