Many owners of furry pets wonder why a cat can scratch and bite.
Irina Tint why does a cat bite cat behavior Animals 9 June 2024Cats never cease to amaze people with many of their habits and behavior.
Irina Tint why are cats afraid of water cat behavior Animals 4 June 2024It's no secret that cats are nocturnal animals.
Irina Tint the cat won't let me sleep at night cat behavior Animals 3 June 2024Owners of pets have probably often noticed that cats are partial to indoor plants.
Irina Tint how to stop a cat from eating flowers Tips for cat owners Animals 23 May 2024Cats are unusual animals that constantly surprise their owners with something.
Irina Tint why does a cat eat its owner's hair cat behavior Animals 15 May 2024Many pet owners are often very surprised by their unusual behavior.
Irina Tint why do cats bury food Tips for cat owners Animals 2 May 2024Pets can be quite vindictive, especially if you offend them.
Irina Tint does a cat remember insults cat behavior Animals 16 April 2024All owners dote on their pets.
Irina Tint cats cat behavior Animals 11 April 2024For cats, many behaviors that irritate their owners are natural and help them live a healthy life.
Elena Gutyro cat behavior pets plants Animals 11 March 2024Let's try to understand the reasons and meaning of this behavior of cats.
Sergey Bogdan pets cat paws Animals 28 February 2024Let's figure out why this happens and what to do in such situations.
Irina Tint kittens cat bites kitten Animals 5 January 2024