Keep a close eye on your pet's weight.
Margarita Sadkovskaya weight recommendations veterinarian's opinion Animals 19 May 2024This unpleasant process for your pet can be made easier.
Margarita Sadkovskaya claws haircut useful tips Animals 17 May 2024People don't always treat animals correctly
Ekaterina Streltsova hands rules Animals 17 May 2024Want your cat to become a real toilet training pro?
Valeria Kisternaya animals board cat training Animals 15 May 2024Many pet owners notice how their pet begins to bury food with its paw.
Ekaterina Streltsova burying food bowl reasons Animals 13 May 2024Many cat owners notice that their furry pets are often under the blanket.
Ekaterina Streltsova blanket reasons Animals 10 May 2024There are situations when an adult cat ends up in the hands of a new owner, in a new apartment.
Ekaterina Streltsova contact Human methods Animals 28 April 2024There are specific reasons for this behavior of the pet.
Tatyana Khitrushko cat behavior pets pets pets Animals 27 April 2024Vomiting in a cat can mean that the pet is very seriously ill.
Irina Tint vomiting in a cat causes of vomiting in cats Animals 25 April 2024The pH level of human skin differs significantly from that of animals.
Ekaterina Streltsova washing shampoo Animals 24 April 2024Whiskers are an important organ responsible for spatial orientation
Ekaterina Streltsova poison deprivation kittens Animals 22 April 2024Few people think about how loneliness can affect a cat.
Ekaterina Streltsova abandonment residential building Animals 14 April 2024Cats can walk on a leash and you can teach them to do so step by step.
Valeria Kisternaya animals board training Animals 10 April 2024Cases of animals falling from windows are common.
Ekaterina Streltsova protection fall window Animals 8 April 2024Interesting facts about your furry pet.
Margarita Sadkovskaya pets licking face reasons Animals 8 April 2024Your furry friend won't appreciate it.
Margarita Sadkovskaya fear irritation actions pets Animals 5 April 2024Your pet can sense you from a distance of one and a half meters.
Margarita Sadkovskaya pets master return feelings Animals 4 April 2024We reveal the secrets of your pet's behavior.
Margarita Sadkovskaya dream Human legs pets reasons Animals 3 April 2024Many cats have a keen interest in human breathing.
Ekaterina Streltsova scent Human Animals 31 March 2024When a cat refuses to use the litter box, it can cause anxiety and confusion for owners.
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