Over time, your dog becomes less active and requires extra care and attention.
Irina Tint how to feed an older dog old dog feeding the dog 6 August 2024Cats ask for chips due to a lack of vitamins and healthy foods in their diet.
Elena Gutyro cat healthy eating chips harmful products 6 August 2024Cats are known for their independence, but some breeds especially value privacy.
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Margarita Sadkovskaya pets care summer board 5 August 2024If you already have other animals living at home, this is not a reason to give up on a parrot.
Irina Tint how to make friends between a cat and a parrot parrot parrot in the apartment 5 August 2024If a dog refuses to eat from a bowl, it can be a cause for concern for any owner.
Valeria Kisternaya animals dog bowl signs 5 August 2024Not all owners actually know what form of meat products are healthier for animals.
Irina Tint can you feed a cat raw meat raw meat Tips for cat owners 4 August 2024Every cat owner knows how difficult it is to train their four-legged pet to bathe.
Valeria Kisternaya animals cats bathing board 4 August 2024Cats that never show aggression towards people are considered kind.
Irina Tint the most affectionate cat breeds cat breeds Tips for cat owners 3 August 2024Many owners of four-legged pets face situations in which they need to transport a cat from one place to another.
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Margarita Sadkovskaya pets filler replacement useful tips 2 August 2024Many people wonder why fluffy creatures like to trample on people from time to time.
Irina Tint why do cats trample on people why do cats trample Cat Habits cat behavior 2 August 2024Every owner of a furry pet is well aware of a cat’s passion for sour cream.
Valeria Kisternaya animals food cats cream 2 August 2024You won't have to be upset by the sight of torn upholstery and unkempt walls anymore.
Margarita Sadkovskaya pets cat damage wallpaper furniture useful tips 1 August 2024Let's figure out why your pet often rubs its head against you.
Irina Tint Cat Habits cat behavior cats 1 August 2024On our planet you can find a huge variety of all kinds of animals.
Valeria Kisternaya animals dangerous animals threat 1 August 2024You can harm your pet without intending to.
Margarita Sadkovskaya pets cheap food danger board 31 July 2024Cats are natural-born hunters, even if they have never left the apartment and gone outside.
Irina Tint can cats eat insects Cat Habits cat behavior 31 July 2024A dog's eyes are an indicator of its health.
Valeria Kisternaya animals dogs health 31 July 2024This seemingly friendly action may have unexpected consequences.
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