Sometimes pet owners encounter a phenomenon where neutered cats still mark their territory.
Let's figure out why this happens and how to deal with the problem.
Why does a cat mark?
Let's start with the fact that if a cat that has only recently been castrated continues to mark, then this phenomenon is considered normal. It will take time to balance the hormonal background.
Another reason may be that the cat was neutered too late. If the animal has already marked before, then the problem is related to a habit that has already formed in an adult animal.
This is why it is recommended to perform the operation while the cat is still young.
Also, territorial marking can be associated with stress, as well as poor condition of the litter box, when the cat demonstratively marks outside of it.
If the cause is not a stressful situation or the condition of the litter box, then it is worth taking the cat to the vet. Often cats mark territory because they suffer from diseases of the urinary system.