Rosstandart commented on the situation with fake honey

30.07.2024 11:08

Rosstandart explained how to deal with counterfeit honey.

A product that does not meet the standards should be called sugar syrup.

This option was proposed by the department’s specialist Anton Shalaev in a conversation with RIA Novosti journalists.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin adopted a corresponding law, which officially enshrines two concepts: “beekeeping products” and “honey”.

As Shalayev emphasized, if the product does not comply with GOST, then it should be named accordingly, so as not to mislead people.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

He suggested calling counterfeit honey a product based on sugar syrup, since it is from this ingredient that it is most often prepared.

According to the expert, Russian buyers most often encounter the following types of counterfeit goods:

  • assortment, when part of the honey was replaced with sugar syrup;
  • cost, when cheaper honey was passed off as expensive varieties;
  • flavoring, during which ingredients were added to honey to improve its taste.
Author: Irina Tint Editor of Internet resources